Titles of Pope that confirm he stands as Antichrist.


Shalom Brothers and Sisters!

Titles of Pope that confirm he stands as Antichrist.
(The Antichrist is a Governmental System)

2 Thessalonians 2:4 But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.

“Most Divine of all Heads.”
“Holy Father of Fathers.”
“Pontiff Supreme Over Prelates.”
“Overseer of the Christian Religion.”
“Pastor of Pastors.”
“Christ by Unction.”
“Abraham by Patriachate.”
“Melchisedec in Order.”
“Moses in Authority.”
“Samuel in the Judicial Office.”
“High Priest, Supreme Bishop.”
“Heir to the Apostles; Peter in Power.”
“Key-bearer of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“Pontiff Appointed with Plenitude of Power.”
“Vicar of Christ.”
“Vicar of the Son of God.”
“Sovereign Priest.”
“Head of all the Holy Churches.”
“Chief of the Universal Church.”
“Bishop of Bishops.”
“Ruler of the House of the Lord.”
“Apostolic Lord and Father of Fathers.”
“Chief Pastor and Teacher.”
“Physician of Souls.”
“Rock against which the proud gates of hell prevail not.”
“Infallible Pope.”
“Head of All the Holy Priests of God”
“Chief bridge maker”

Some additional info on “some” of the names:

Pontifix Maximus is a papal title meaning in Latin “chief bridge maker” between earth and heaven. However, Jesus (Yashiya)Christ is the only One who can claim this title because “no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6. This was a title of the Roman Caesars and of the Roman Emperors of paganism.

Holy Father is a title the Pope claims for himself. However, this title occurs only once in the Bible, and used when Jesus (Yashiya) addresses His Heavenly Father in John 17:11 in His great prayer before His betrayal, arrest and crucifixion.

Father is a title that every Roman Catholic priest claims for himself and expects to be called. Jesus (Yashiya) warns in Matthew 23:9 “Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your father which is in heaven.” The catholic priest is not regarded in Scripture to be anyone’s spiritual father.
Monsignor This means “my Lord”, and this clearly is a title belonging only to God, the Lord Jesus (Yashiya) Christ.

Reverend is a title of many Roman Catholic priests and Protestant ministers. This is also a title for God in Psalms 111:9 “Holy and Reverend is his name.” It is blasphemy for any man to take to himself a title of God.

“Mother of God” – Title given to Mary which denotes blasphemy, as it diverts worship to Mary. Mary was the mother of Jesus (Yashiya) Christ’s humanity, but not the mother of Jesus (Yashiya) Christ’s divinity.



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